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Recidivism and Rehabilitation Rates for 135 Criminally Insane Offenders

NCJ Number
T F M Allman
Date Published
154 pages
This study investigates the relationship between rehabilitation services and antipsychotic medication as these related to recidivism and rehabilitation rates for 135 criminally insane offenders released from M.C.I. Bridgewater State Hospital (Massachusetts) between 1969 and 1977.
Chi-square tests were conducted to test several basic research variables, including rehabilitation services and antipsychotic medication. Four dependent variables tested included recidivism rate, rehabilitation rate, participation in institutional programs, and acting out institutional behavior. The findings indicated that rehabilitation services received were positively related to a lower recidivism rate. No other significant relationships emerged from the other basic research hypotheses. However, further analysis led to several significant findings. A significant positive relationship was found between release destination and recidivism rate. Other significant positive relationships were found (1) between referral source for rehabilitation services and recidivism rate, (2) between referral source for rehabilitation services and rehabilitation rate, and (3) between substance abuse and recidivism rate. Implications of the findings for the practitioner suggest that greater consideration be given in developing release plans. It is concluded that rehabilitation services are related to a lower recidivism rate. Suggestions for future research are discussed. Tables, appendixes of study data, and over 50 references are provided. (Author abstract modified)