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NCJ Number
Forum Volume: 5 Issue: 3 Dated: (September 1993) Pages: 1-38
F J Porporino, T M Nouwens
Date Published
38 pages
Articles on recidivism include six research reports and four feature articles; they address such topics as recidivist characteristics, the life span of criminal behavior, and the measurement of recidivism.
A review of research on the life span of criminal careers notes that criminal careers differ among various offender categories. The author recommends that efforts to reduce recidivism must focus on those offenders likely to reoffend quickly. Another research report addresses the characteristics of Aboriginal recidivists in Canada. Other research articles discuss recidivism among female offenders; the characteristics of male, female, and aboriginal recidivists; conditional release and mentally disordered offenders; and recidivism among "walkaways" from minimum- security institutions. One of the feature articles discusses various standards for determining the recidivism rate, and another feature article considers the prediction of recidivism and policies for the reduction of recidivism. Remaining feature articles discuss the effectiveness of alternative sanctions and how inmates view recidivism. Tables, figures, and tables accompany articles.


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