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Receipt of Evidence by Queensland Courts: Electronic Records

NCJ Number
Date Published
98 pages
In this paper the Queensland Law Reform Commission (Australia) invites comment on issues pertinent to rules of evidence concerning the admissibility of electronic records.
The term "electronic record" refers to records that are stored and/or conveyed using magnetic technology or some other similar technology. Such records include computer files on a floppy disk, computer files on a hard disk, electronic mail, internet transactions, compact disks, audiotapes, videotapes, magnetic tapes, digital video displays, and laserdisc. After an overview of the law of evidence, a chapter discusses issues in proving the contents of an electronic record, followed by a chapter that provides an overview of the law on the admission of documents for a testimonial purpose. Other chapters discuss the meaning of "document" for the purposes of the Queensland Evidence Act 1977, public documents, books of account, proof of the truth of statements contained in "documents," statements in documents produced by computers, reproductions, and the admissibility of commonly used electronic records.


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