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Reaffirming Rehabilitation: Public Support for Correctional Treatment (From Risk Reduction: Interventions for Special Needs Offenders, P 7-26, 2002, Harry E. Allen, ed., -- See NCJ-196804)

NCJ Number
Francis T. Cullen Ph.D.; Melissa M. Moon Ph.D.
Date Published
19 pages
This paper addresses public support for rehabilitation efforts and correctional treatments.
This paper, highlights public opinion concerning correctional treatment and offender rehabilitation efforts. Challenging the often-stated idea that nothing works to change and rehabilitate offenders, the authors present a brief literature review of offender rehabilitation efforts and public opinion on the correctional system. Arguing that opinion polls tend to overestimate the punitive nature of the public, this paper presents five conclusions concerning public opinion on corrections. The authors maintain that: the American public is punitive toward crime, public opinion operates within a range of attitudes, public support for rehabilitation is strong, public support is especially strong for juvenile rehabilitation, and the public desires responsibility from the correctional system. The authors conclude that despite arguments that rehabilitation does not work and that the public does not support it, the public believes in criminal rehabilitation and has faith in the correctional system to make society safer. References