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Ready to Rumble: Mock Prison Riot 2010

NCJ Number
Date Published
August 2010
2 pages
This article from the National Law Enforcement and Corrections Technology Center's Tech Beat reports on the Mock Prison Riot event held each year at the State penitentiary in Moundsville, WV.

The Mock Prison Riot is hosted by the Office of Justice Programs' National Institute of Justice and the West Virginia High Technology Consortium Foundation to showcase and evaluate emerging law enforcement and corrections technology. The event, expanded from a 1-day to a 4-day event, allows law enforcement and corrections personnel the opportunity to touch, see, and use new and emerging technologies under simulated 'real-world' conditions. The event also features a technology showcase of exhibits where participants are able to learn more about the technologies used in the various training scenarios. In 2009, 1,142 people from 43 States and 13 foreign countries attended the Mock Prison Riot event. The article describes a new software program available at the 2010 event. The program allows law enforcement officials to download and install a 3-dimensional model of the penitentiary to their computers to assist them in planning and executing technology training scenarios. Detailed system information about the program is provided in the article.