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Readings in Rehabilitation Administration

NCJ Number
T F Riggar, J R Lorenz
Date Published
265 pages
An anthology of journal articles on rehabilitation administration covers administrative philosophy, professional management, personnel management, personnel concerns, program planning and evaluation, and management information.
An introductory study report indicates that most rehabilitation administrators are recruited from the ranks of direct service providers. Articles on administrative philosophy consider the values, roles, and functions of the rehabilitation administrator; the importance of cost-effectiveness, impact, and accountability in rehabilitation administration; and the increasing role of private rehabilitation enterprises. Articles on professional management present an approach to management for the professional workers and the counselor's role in developing staff competence. Personnel management articles address supervision theory, communication and decisionmaking in rehabilitation supervision, and the supervisor's role in performance appraisal. Personnel concerns discussed include burnout and job satisfaction and the impact of gender on job functions and benefits. Articles pertaining to program planning and evaluation focus on needs assessment in planning rehabilitation services, a rehabilitation program evaluation model, and an approach for improving program monitoring and evaluation activities. Two final articles discuss the importance of rehabilitation administrators' involvement in the political process and the need for them to project a professional image that will favorably influence others. 700-item selected bibliography.