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Reaching At-Risk Populations in a Mass Media Drug Abuse Prevention Campaign: Sensation Seeking as a Targeting Variable (From Prevention Practice in Substance Abuse, P 29-45, 1995, Carl G Leukefeld and Richard R Clayton, eds. -- See NCJ-157443)

NCJ Number
P Palmgreen; E P Lorch; L Donohew; N G Harrington; M Dsilva; D Helm
Date Published
17 pages
This paper reports on the components and evaluation of an antidrug public-service-announcement (PSA) campaign that targeted high sensation-seeking young adults.
Sensation seeking, which research indicates is a biologically based personality variable, is strongly related to both drug use and preferences for novel, arousing, and unconventional messages and television programs. This connection was the basis of a targeting strategy in a 5-month televised antidrug PSA campaign in a medium-sized market aimed at high sensation seeking young adults. A survey was conducted to assess television program preferences of high sensation seekers (HSS's). This information was provided to the media buyer to facilitate placement of the campaign PSA's in HSS-preferred programming. The campaign ran from mid-January through mid-June 1992. Individual PSA's were aired in 2-week to 3-week flights on a rotating schedule. Over the course of the campaign, 615 purchased spots and 887 free spots were televised. "Common" was the prototypical spot and received the heaviest air play. Featuring heavy metal music and quick action cuts from high sensation activity to activity, this spot included a voice-over that stated, "The one thing all these people have in common? They don't need drugs." Data from several sources showed that the campaign, involving messages designed for and placed in programming popular with high sensation seekers, was successful in reaching target audience members with prevention messages and motivating them to call a hotline that featured alternatives to drug abuse. 2 tables, 2 notes, and 16 references