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Reaching Out: Getting the Community Involved in Preparedness

NCJ Number
Canadian Police College Journal Volume: 15 Issue: 1 Dated: (1991) Pages: 1-25
J Scanlon
Date Published
25 pages
Effective emergency preparedness involves public support and public involvement in every step from building a public agenda and developing a plan to participating in the recovery process following a disaster.
Good city managers will make emergency preparedness a priority. The first step toward effective planning is hazard analysis, followed by an assessment of community attitudes and needs, government agency networking, and disaster education development. In developing the plan, city managers must consider various options and ways of mitigating the effects of a natural disaster. When possible, warning systems should be implemented. Radio, television, and print media are an essential component of any warning system as well as the post-disaster period and must be utilized effectively. Disaster preparedness must also focus on victim assistance. The recovery period can present opportunities in terms of urban renewal and development to a community prepared to seize them. Finally, emergency preparedness procedures must be periodically tested and updated. 23 references


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