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Rating the States: A Report Card on the Nation's Attention to the Problem of Alcohol- and Other Drug-Impaired Driving, 1993

NCJ Number
Date Published
72 pages
This report presents the results of a 1993 survey of the States designed to rate their attention to the problem of drug-impaired driving.
The 1993 questionnaire was updated to cover 11 program areas: governor's leadership, statistics and records, enforcement, administrative and criminal sanctions, regulatory control and availability, legislation, prevention/public awareness, youth issues, self-sufficiency programs, innovative programs, and victim issues. The questionnaire was mailed to the Governor's Highway Safety Representative in each State and to a State leader of Mother's Against Drunk Driving. Following an explanation of each questionnaire category, the report presents a National Report Card, based on a compilation of nationwide information that reflects the status of States efforts, bottom-line data such as Fatal Accident Reporting System figures, public opinion polls, national research, Federal legislative response to impaired driving and funding for anti-drunk-driving efforts, and task-force input. The national report card is followed by a chart of each State's grade for each of the questionnaire categories, as well as a composite State grade based on performance in all categories. The survey found that despite the pressures of planning requirements, legislative sessions, and limitations on staffing and budgets, State officials largely gave serious attention to the survey. The results show the impact of the last 2 years. The States have continued to make progress in adopting and implementing new laws and programs while continuing to look for new solutions to the problem of driving while intoxicated. Appended Fatal Accident Reporting System Data, methodology, and task force participants, along with figures and tables

Corporate Author
MADD Mothers Against Drunk Driving

511 E. John Carpenter Frwy, Suite 700, Irving, TX 75062, United States

Sale Source
MADD Mothers Against Drunk Driving

511 E. John Carpenter Frwy, Suite 700, Irving, TX 75062, United States

Publication Type
United States of America