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Rape - What Would You Do If...?

NCJ Number
D D Booher
Date Published
153 pages
Directed mainly at teenage girls, this book provides detailed guidelines for avoiding situations in which rape could occur, dealing with an attacker, and seeking help after a sexual assault.
Several case examples are used to show the types of situations in which teenagers have been sexually assaulted and to demonstrate that most victims have the attitude that rape can never happen to them. Facts showing that rapes and attempted rapes happen to women of all races, classes, and ages are presented. Questions and answers involving hypothetical situations common to teenagers are used to underscore instructions for preventing rape at home, away from home, and in social situations such as dates and babysitting jobs. Methods of passive resistance and verbal responses to use during an attack are delineated. Situations in which active resistance should be used and techniques such as screaming, biting, and kicking are discussed. Potential disadvantages of weapons such as chemical sprays are also explained. The importance of seeking medical help and the nature of the physical examination and laboratory tests are outlined. Steps involved in getting legal help are explained, including the initial statement to the police, formal questioning and the written statement, the investigation, the decision about going to court, and court proceedings. The emotional impact of rape and the help offered by rape crisis centers are discussed. Guidelines are also given for the situation in which the molester is a family member. Finally, ways of raising community awareness and efforts to prevent rape are outlined. An index and a list of 47 references are provided.