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Rape of the Soul: The Life-Long Impact of Child Abuse and the Smoking Gun of Domestic Violence

NCJ Number
H. Bruce Ewart Ph.D.
Date Published
138 pages
This volume reviews the long-term impact of child abuse and domestic violence and treatment considerations for victims.
The volume starts with a review of child development, behavioral studies, social action strategies, child development models, adolescent development, family relationships, moral awareness, and human sexuality. A new developmental model is then described that focuses on the recovery of self. The effects of child abuse are examined with respect to sexual abuse, the secrecy issue, the epidemic nature of child abuse, physical abuse, terrorizing, parentification, school abuse, neglect, and rejection. Domestic violence is viewed as the predictable culmination of child abuse, and characteristics of both abusers and victims are noted. Treatment considerations for victims of abuse and violence are addressed that primarily concern the critical factor of safety and group dynamics. 65 references


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