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Rape in Arkansas, 1978

NCJ Number
Date Published
13 pages
This report presents statistical data on rape in Arkansas during 1978.
Data are given on the number of rape victims, the victim-offender race relationship, the rape reporting time lapse, the number of offenders per rape, and the relationship of offender to victim. Also recorded are the number of rapes by month, by day of the week, and by time of day. Other tables address rape situations, rape offenders, and the number of rapes by reporting agency. A rape report form is also provided. There were 486 rapes and attempted rapes in Arkansas reported through the Uniform Crime Reporting Program. Of these, 385 were rapes and 101 attempted rapes reported by law enforcement agencies. Most rape victims were white and under 25 years old. More rapes occurred in August than in any other month, and the most common time for rapes were between the hours of 2 and 4 a.m. A graph and a pie chart are included, and a map illustrates the number of rapes by county.


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