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A Randomized Controlled Trial of a Comprehensive, Research-Based Framework for Implementing School-Based Law Enforcement Programs

NCJ Number
Brenda Scheuermann, Ph.D.; Kathy Martinez-Prather, Ph.D.; Anthony Petrosino, Ph.D
Date Published
43 pages

This is the Final Report of a project that evaluated a comprehensive, research-based framework of recommended practices for integrating police into the school environment.


The research tested the use of a multi-faceted, school-based law enforcement (SBLE) framework to determine how it contributes to multiple outcomes for 25 middle and high schools. Outcomes measured pertained to student victimization and delinquency, the use of exclusionary discipline practices, school climate, and student-officer interactions. Reliable findings were disseminated for implementation and further research in schools nationwide. The impact research questions are provided in this report. The framework for implementing school policing is provided.