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Quintennial Report 1973-1977

NCJ Number
J E H Williams; P P Lejins; Y Roumajon
Date Published
39 pages
Reports on the activities and finances of the International Society of Criminology from 1973 to 1977 are presented.
A general report lists meetings for the purpose of electing executive committees and attending to other administrative business; relationships with international organizations and meetings of the board of directors. Organizational units which make action possible are the secretariat, members, national delegates, and regional groups; data on each are included. The organization, officers, and conferences of the scientific commission are enumerated. Research centers described include the International Center for Comparative Criminology in Montreal, the International Center for Biological and Medico-Legal Criminology in Sao Paulo, the International Center for Criminology in Genes, and a proposed International Center for Juvenile Delinquency. In the 5-year period the society organized or helped organized 5 international courses: the 1974 Aquinas Colloquium, the 1973 International Symposium on Victimology, and the 1975 United Nations conference on crime prevention and treatment of delinquents in Geneva. Society publications are the Annales of the society and the proceedings of the Sixth and Seventh International Congresses on Criminology. The society's library increased from 2440 to 3383 volumes over the period 1972 to 1976. The financial report indicates that the monetary situation of the society is healthy and that a slight future increase in revenues can be anticipated. It is stressed that all members should actively participate in financial and scientific development. Tables are supplied. --in French.


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