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Quality Health Services for Hispanics: The Cultural Competency Component

NCJ Number
Deborah Guadalupe Duran Ph.D., Guadalupe Pacheco M.S.W, Leonard G. Epstein M.S.W
Date Published
121 pages
The document presents an overview of cultural competency concerns for the provision of healthcare to Hispanics.
This document was developed by the Health Resources Administration, Bureau of Primary Health Care, the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, the Office of Minority Health, and the National Alliance for Hispanic Health. It summarizes information developed by these entities concerning cultural competence for Hispanic clients in a variety of health care settings. The book addresses the framework of cultural competence, provides specific cultural information concerning the Hispanic community and the history of that community in America, and makes implementation suggestions for outreach, prevention, and social service settings. Case studies are presented to illustrate implementation principles in the outreach, prevention, and social service settings. For dealing with Hispanic clients, the authors note that mortality rates are not a good measure for developing the service approach to the population, that traditional cultures should be reinforced to decrease rates of smoking and illegal drug use, and that while there is similarity among the needs of the U.S. Hispanic population, there are a variety of subgroups within that population and those subgroups may require alterations to service provisions and service styles. Figure, 109 notes