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Public Prosecutor and the Environment: Review of 1992. Second Planning and Control Meeting for the Administration of Environmental Laws

NCJ Number
E A I M Van den Berg
Date Published
81 pages
This text summarizes the results of a planning and control meeting on the status of the prosecution of Dutch environmental offenses in 1992.
The first chapter discusses administrative and policy goals for 1992 and emphasizes the progress made toward achieving them. The following chapter is devoted to the prosecution of environmental offenses and the type of police involved in the investigation; it includes statistics, penalties imposed, and priorities in prosecuting. Chapter 4 emphasizes improvements in record-keeping, while Chapter 5 surveys personnel structure and personnel development. A chapter on special goals and activities reports on courses in environmental law offered to prosecutors and other concerned personnel. A detailed chapter compares the efforts of 1992 to those of 1991. The overall results indicate that the prosecution of environmental offenses in the Netherlands is still in a state of evolution and beset by some problems; however, the efforts are moving in a positive direction, especially in the areas of management and the growing number of cases prosecuted. Numerous statistical charts and graphs are appended. 12 references