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Public Policy Affirmations Affecting the Planning and Implementation of Developmental Services for Children and Adults with HIV Infection

NCJ Number
A C Crocker; H J Cohen; C L Decker; A F Rudigier; D C Harvey
Date Published
14 pages
The impact of HIV infection on the developmental disabilities field has created a need to examine public policy issues and to provide services for children and adults with HIV infection and for their families.
Recommendations emerged from a 1988 conference of experts in the human services field. Future service development should represent a partnership between professionals and the involved families. No child or adult should be denied access to service due to possible or actual HIV infection. Infected children and adults have the right to confidentiality concerning their HIV status. Individuals who have both HIV infection and developmental disabilities will require an extensive range of services. Professionals and other staff need to understand the nature of HIV infection. Funding must be available to reimburse for any additional costs that result from providing services to individuals with HIV infection and developmental disabilities.


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