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Public and Private Sectors Must Work Together

NCJ Number
Corrections Today Volume: 53 Issue: 2 Dated: (April 1991) Pages: 104-107
R Endell
Date Published
4 pages
In the past few years, various federal, state, and local agencies have participated in conferences focusing on the need for the private and public sectors to work together to solve the crowding crisis in correctional facilities.
Several conclusions emerge from these discussions: (1) a correctional architectural and engineering design technology exists to deliver state-of-the-art and environmentally superior concepts for corrections; (2) construction alternatives and faster, less expensive, and safer technological applications are available; (3) program and construction management expertise exists that saves money and time in building correction facilities more efficiently; (4) creative financing approaches have been developed; and (5) motivated correctional leaders are working to find ways to reduce jail and prison crowding. The role of the public sector is to support the efforts of jurisdictions whose offender housing needs call for construction of new facilities. The private sector can combine design and construction technology with its construction management expertise. The advantages of professional construction management contract services in building correctional facilities are outlined.