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Psychotic Symptoms and Violence Toward Others--a Literature Review of Some Preliminary Findings: Part 1 Delusions

NCJ Number
Aggression and Violent Behavior Volume: 7 Issue: 6 Dated: November - December 2002 Pages: 617-631
Stal Bjorkly
Date Published
November 2002
15 pages
The role of delusions in contributing towards violence against others is examined in this article.
Addressing the issue of delusions, this article discusses possible connections between psychiatric patient delusions and violence towards others. Following a discussion of the presence of delusions as a potential violence risk factor, the author presents the results of a search for literature on materials concerning the associations between delusions and violence from 1967 to June 2000. After presenting a complete listing of the 24 articles found in the literature review search, the author briefly summarizes the findings of each work presented. Discussing the review of research seeking connections between delusions and violent behaviors, this article finds that persecutory delusions tend to be associated with an increased risk of violence in some patients, and emotional distress tends to enhance the risk of persecutory delusions being acted upon. Furthermore, delusionary research indicates that perceived threat and internal control override is a risk factor for violent behavior towards others. Tables, references