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Psychotherapeutic Utilization of Prevention Education in Treatment for Sexually Abused Children

NCJ Number
Journal of Child Sexual Abuse Volume: 7 Issue: 2 Dated: 1998 Pages: 105-121
J P Shapiro
Date Published
17 pages
This analysis of the inclusion of prevention training in therapy for sexually abused children notes that although its original purpose was to reduce the chance of revictimization, the content of prevention education seems to provide therapeutic messages that can reduce the common harmful effects of past child sexual abuse.
Prevention education teaches skills related to dangerous situations, body boundaries, assertiveness, communication, awareness of feelings, self-esteem, responsibility, trustworthy people, and human sexuality. Such learning would plausibly have therapeutic effects on the consequences of abuse such as feelings of helplessness, a sense of personal boundary violation, emotional numbing, self blame, sexual confusion, and acting out. It is important to consider developmental factors in planning methods of communicating prevention information and skills. It is also important to recognize that child victims often need externally supplied input of new knowledge and reasoning strategies from an expert in the subject of sexual abuse if they are to achieve insight into their experience and behavior in the abuse situation. Therapists are also in a position to use their status and relationship with the child to counter the maladaptive learning resulting from the abuse situation and to help the child develop values supporting the rights to safety, respect and healthy development. 49 references (Author abstract modified)