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Psychosocial Factors and AIDS-Related Behavior of Homosexual Men

NCJ Number
Evaluation and The Health Professions Volume: 13 Issue: 3 Dated: (September 1990) Pages: 283-297
J G Zapka; J McCusker; A M Stoddard; C S Morrison; K H Mayer
Date Published
15 pages
A study of psychosocial issues in AIDS behavioral research investigated the construct validity and reliability of selected psychosocial measures and their association to other personal, health services and information variables among asymptomatic homosexual and bisexual men.
Data were collected using a self-administered questionnaire and were analyzed by factor analysis and regression modeling. Factor analysis validated the relationships between 53 survey items and 12 hypothesized constructs suggested by several theories of behavior change. The constructs included perception of susceptibility, beliefs of social network members, opinions about HIV testing, medical efficacy, related health habits, and barriers to behavior change. Regression modeling demonstrated the relative importance of psychosocial scales to other variables in understanding associations with total number of sexual partners. 32 references, 2 tables. (Author abstract modified)


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