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Psychopathy as a Risk Factor for Violence (From Risk Reduction: Interventions for Special Needs Offenders, P 7-26, 2002, Harry E. Allen, ed., -- See NCJ-196804)

NCJ Number
Robert D. Hare Ph.D.
Date Published
20 pages
This paper discusses the relationship between violence and psychopathy.
Considering psychopathy as a risk factor for violent behavior is the focus of this paper. After introducing the ideas of sexually violent predators and psychopathic offenders, the author discusses psychopathy as a clinical construct referring to a series of interpersonal, affective, and lifestyle characteristics. Following a brief discussion of the assessment of psychopathy, this paper details the relationships between psychopathy and crime and psychopathy and violence, arguing that psychopathy is a risk factor for both recidivism in general as well as for violence, specifically. Associating psychopathy and sexual violence, the author argues that sex offenders are generally resistant to treatment and, when coupled with psychopathy, these offenders become even more dangerous, showing frequent repetition of sexually deviant behaviors. With most clinicians and researchers pessimistic about the treatability of psychopaths, this author suggests that early diagnosis and risk assessment of psychopathy is the most effective approach for trying to limit psychopathic violence. References


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