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Psychological Assessment of California Law Enforcement Incumbents by the Year 2001

NCJ Number
D L Ritter
Date Published
84 pages
This study examines what the future may hold for the enhanced psychological assessment of incumbent California peace officers.
This report consists of four sections: a futures study; a strategic plan that uses the California Highway Patrol as a model for evaluation; a transition management plan; and conclusions, recommendations, and future implications regarding this issue. Seven trends that will impact the issue during the next 10 years are public scrutiny, job- related standards, availability of suitable recruits, job stressors, periodic reassessment of fitness, event-driven mandates, and advanced technology. Events that could significantly impact the issue include the development of a scientifically reliable test to "select in" candidates, an officer involved in an adverse event, and mandated annual evaluations. The model strategic plan includes an identification of key stakeholders and implementation considerations for a normative scenario. A transition management plan details a structure designed to achieve the desired future state. The study concludes that although desired and feasible, it is unlikely that there will be significant changes over the next 10 years to the instruments, techniques, and situations that currently trigger a psychological reassessment. Appended forecasting results, graphics, additional data, and instruments; 28 notes; and 32-item bibliography