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Psychological and Environmental Factors Associated With Partner Violence

NCJ Number
Trauma, Violence, & Abuse Volume: 1 Issue: 1 Dated: January 2000 Pages: 67-91
Edna B. Foa Ph.D.; Michele Cascardi Ph.D.; Lori A. Zoellner Ph.D.; Norah C. Feeny Ph.D.
Jon R. Conte
Date Published
25 pages
Variables associated with the cessation or the continuation of partner violence are summarized, with the aim of generating psychological and environmental models of partner violence.
Toward this goal, the authors first examine existing theoretical models of women's influence on partner violence. Second, they review psychological and environmental variables associated with women's influence on partner violence. To capture the richness and complexity of factors involved in partner violence, the two models include multifaceted constructs such as psychological difficulties, resilience, and partner violence. The models are designed to provide a framework for developing research that will enhance the understanding of women's influence on the course of partner violence and, in turn, will inform interventions aimed at helping women reduce violence in their lives.