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Psychoeducational Program Dealing With Child Abuse for Elementary School Children

NCJ Number
Child Abuse and Neglect Volume: 8 Issue: 4 Dated: (1984) Pages: 511-517
R Volpe
Date Published
7 pages
This 1979 evaluation of a 5th and 6th grade instructional component on child abuse examines student knowledge and attitudes regarding child abuse.
The component was presented in several Simcoe County, Ontario, 5th and 6th grade classrooms. Component units covered the history, causes, treatment, and effects of child abuse. Pertinent laws and the work of agencies attempting to treat and prevent child abuse were also explained. The test group consisted of 315 boys and girls, and a comparison group of 298 children was matched with the test group on age and sex. The school curriculums of the two groups were identical with the exception of the use of the child abuse component with the test group. The groups were randomly selected from teachers agreeing to use the component and those choosing not to use it. Selected child abuse knowledge, attitude, and personality (security) measures were administered all subjects in a posttest using comparison research design. Teachers' knowledge and attitudes were also assessed. The component met its objectives, as the students accepted the discussion of child abuse, exhibited no discomfort, and increased their knowledge and awareness of the subject. The appropriateness of the component for the students' developmental levels was not a problem. There were no significant negative community reactions. Eight references are listed. (Author abstract modified)