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Protective Schools: Linking Drug Abuse Prevention With Student Success

NCJ Number
Date Published
65 pages
This document is a compendium of materials developed during the Protective Schools: Linking Drug Abuse Prevention with Student Success Conference sponsored by the University of Arizona.
This document provides a series of suggestions developed by conference participants concerning the use and development of a protective school concept. The authors assert that the school climate plays a role in decreasing student substance abuse. Protective schools are schools that promote healthy youth development, assess student strengths, and tailor education programs based on those strengths. The schools also set high academic expectations, creatively use resources to create maximum student benefits, encourage family and community involvement in the school and school activities, provide a caring and supportive environment for students and employees and have developed and articulated a set of goals and beliefs. Based upon this model of protective schools the authors offer suggestions for implementing each of these aspects of protective school climates. Model actions and resources geared toward achieving each protective school component are provided.


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