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Protection Made Easy

NCJ Number
W J Lucas
Date Published
146 pages
Written for the general public, this book provides inexpensive and easy-to-follow methods of protecting a family from crime and of securing home and property from theft and intrusion.
Each chapter is devoted to specific aspects of security for the home and for the person. Crime prevention methods costing little or nothing are delineated, including many commonsense measures, such as taking precautions before answering a door, having exterior lighting around the home, answering the telephone without identifying oneself, and having social security checks or paychecks sent directly to a bank. Personal protection hints are given for activities such as jogging, bicycling, driving, and walking; other suggestions are presented concerning safety measures in and around apartment buildings. One chapter discusses special protection of children, while others focus on installation of doors, locks, and bolts to protect the home; securing windows; vehicle security; alarm systems; and fire prevention. The final chapter highlights major points of the book and presents a 'security philosophy.' Diagrams, chapter checklists, and an inventory list are provided.


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