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Protection of Assets, Volume 3

NCJ Number
T J Walsh
Date Published
621 pages
Presented in a looseleaf format, this third volume of a five-volume manual covering a comprehensive range of security subjects explains eight aspects of security management and specific security techniques.
Guidelines on prevention and handling of kidnapping, extortion, and terrorism cover psychological factors involved in abduction, planning for actions to take after a kidnapping, countermeasures to letter bombs, home security, and hostage survival. Potential future techniques in terrorism and siege situations in embassies and other protected facilities are also examined. The discussion of physical security planning covers types of security controls, establishment of a secure image, types of safes and limitations on their protection, vaults, and special problems of high-rise buildings. The need to consider potential civil and criminal liability in conducting security activities is explained in chapters outlining basic statutes, case law, and administrative law. The impact on security of the national labor policy is discussed, with emphasis on organization and representation matters, contract negotiations, and contract administration. A chapter on the organization and management of the security function explains how security efforts have broadened over the years, considers issues related to cost effectiveness, the mechanics of loss prevention and data base management, and the use of management techniques to get results. The process of delegating as a science is discussed, and 32 management traits which should be avoided are listed. Basic elements of all human relationships and professional ethics in security management are also examined. Figures, forms, checklists, drawings, and chapter bibliographies are included. For other volumes, see NCJ 97531-32 and NCJ 97534-35.


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