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Protecting Our Children: Building the Future: A Guide to Celebrating Crime Prevention Month 1992

NCJ Number
Date Published
56 pages
This manual provides instructions and materials to help individuals and organizations plan and conduct a Crime Prevention Month to raise public awareness, focus the attention of policymakers and civic leaders, and honor individuals and organizations who have made significant contributions to the community's well-being.
The materials include a publicity kit and instructions for working with the media, a review of the fall 1992 McGruff public service advertising campaign, a list of community events to launch the month, and instructions on how to raise funds and use in-kind contributions. The guidelines also suggest how to use any or all of four themes as part of the month, how to use McGruff licensed products, and how to use services and materials of the National Crime Prevention Council. The manual also includes reproducible brochures, posters, activity sheets, and news articles.