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Protecting Children: An Inquiry Into Abuse of Children in Foster Care

NCJ Number
Date Published
January 2004
393 pages
This report assesses the quality of care provided to foster children at risk of abuse in Queensland and provides recommendations for systemic change.
Responding to a series of published articles in 2003 on the possible abuse of foster children in Queensland, the Crime and Misconduct Commission (CMC) began 2 investigations, considered more than 200 submissions, and conducted 2 weeks of public hearings. As a result of the evidence that was gathered, the Commission concluded that the current child protection system has failed Queensland children in many important respects. Due to these investigative inquiries, the CMC was able to identify systemic failures within the child protection system which are identified in this report and make proposals for public sector reform, such as a whole-of-government response. The report is divided into nine chapters. Chapter 1 provides background information about the CMC’s investigations and the inquiry and the current child protection system in Queensland. Chapter 2 reports on the CMC’s Operation Zellow investigation in detail and the Commission’s conclusions in respect of each of the nine flashpoints investigated. Chapter 3 relates some of the key themes and issues arising from the evidence before the public inquiry which include the needs of the children, workplace issues in the Department of Families, some specific foster care issues, enhancing accountability, protecting indigenous children, and effecting change. Chapters 4 through 9 contain the Commission’s 110 recommendations for reform. The report concludes with a number of appendices containing relevant data arising from the CMC’s inquiry processes, a list of the recommendations made, and a full list of the recommendations contained in this report. It is the expectation of the Commission that the adoption of the recommendations will offer a lasting benefit to the children of Queensland, especially those in foster care. To assess this, the Commission recommends the the Queensland Government review and report on the implementation of the report’s recommendations in 2-years time. Figures and references