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The Prosecutor's Crime Analyst: An Essential Employee

NCJ Number
Date Published
October 2022
16 pages

This document describes the role and functions of crime analysts in prosecutors’ offices, described as 21st Century detectives whose expertise is a critical complement to the traditional law enforcement capabilities of the police.


This document provides in-depth information regarding the role and functions of crime analysts in prosecutors’ offices, specifically regarding digital evidence and technology-related issues. It reviews the basic definition of a crime analyst, an overview of their roles including case-specific and technical crime analysts. The document also provides details on the following aspects of crime analysts’ work: what to look for when hiring a crime analyst regarding professional background education and experience, and sources for hiring crime analysts; on-the-job training, as well as recommendations for continuing education training programs; general work overview and a listing of typical tasks required of crime analysts, with special attention given to the typical work of case-specific crime analysts and technical crime analysts and their roles during preparation for grand jury or preliminary hearings and discovery and trial phases. The document also reviews ethical guidelines for crime analysts related to the retrieval and analysis of digital evidence, as they work for prosecutors.