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Prosecution in Denmark (From Role of the Prosecutor -- Report of the International Criminal Justice Seminar held at the London School of Economics and Political Science, January 1987, P 62-79, 1988, J.E. Hall Williams, ed. -- See NCJ-118587)

NCJ Number
I W Andersen; B Vestberg
Date Published
18 pages
The rules governing the functions of police and the prosecution in Denmark are based on the Justice Act of 1916, which has been amended a number of times since it came into operation in October 1919.
An attempt is made to evaluate whether the prosecuting authority is operating as intended in sections 710 and 711 of the Act. It is suggested that three aspects require improvement from a prosecutor's point of view: offenses are not cleared up as a result of insufficient resources at the police level, the resolution of cases is too slow, and Denmark requires a more clearly defined criminal policy.