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Proposals Concerning a Special Criminal Psychiatric Institution and Sanctioning Committee - Criminal Psychiatric Problems 3

NCJ Number
Ugeskrift for Laeger Volume: 139 Issue: 11 Dated: (March 14, 1977) Pages: 682-684
O N Borberg; O N Jensen; M Schioler
Date Published
3 pages
A model is established around the expression 'expediency' where placement in Danish institutions of mentally abnormal offenders is involved. Attention is paid to legal security, treatment, and possibilities for ordinary care and the adaptability of the clients to the institution.
The report emphasizes that difficulties exist concerning institutions suitable for a certain fraction of this clientele characterized by severe behavior disorders, cases which are difficult to treat, cases with tendencies to escape, and cases of chronic or episodic mental illness. The problem has become apparent on placing mentally ill persons in the institution in Herstedvester which is not designed for this purpose. It is pointed out that the problem could be solved by extension and alteration of the institution or by establishing special departments in the existing psychiatric hospitals throughout the entire country. This latter solution appears to be the most suitable. The report further suggests that a sanctioning committee be established with the following tasks: advice to the courts, and distribution of the mentally abnormal offenders to the various institutions together with research, planning, and coordination in the field of criminal psychiatry. Seven reference notes are appended. (Author summary modified)


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