NCJ Number
Date Published
281 pages
Although LEAA may make the various agencies of the criminal justice system more efficient (an arguable point) and although it may help to convince people that what exists is part of the natural social order, LEAA cannot eliminate the problem of crime until capitalism, the basis of crime, is eliminated.
Acting as one of the brokers between between the Federal Government and the criminal justice system, LEAA is helping to solidify and stabilize the power of the ruling class. In its disbursement of funds, LEAA is a major organizing plant for instituting changes according to the hegemonic demands of promoting a stable environment. LEAA's three primary goals are to reduce crime by strengthening the internal security network, to provide large-scale public relations for the changes it is advocating, and to stimulate the economic development of a criminal justice industrial complex. To further understand LEAA's unique role in present American capitalist society, this paper examines LEAA's legislative history through amendments to the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act and the Crime Control Act of 1973. The structure and organization of LEAA is reviewed through its funding and administrative activities. Allocation of funds and resources, comprehensive planning grants, action and discretionary grants, and Part E correctional grants are detailed. In addition, LEAA-administered operations and technical assistance for local law enforcement agencies, including manpower development data systems, and systems and statistical management, are discussed. Tabular data, chapter footnotes and over 225 references are appended. A table of contents is provided.