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Projections of Long Term Trends in the Prison Population to 2000

NCJ Number
Date Published
12 pages
A midpoint of the range suggested by both a full demographic model and a non-demographic model was adopted to project Great Britain's sentenced male prison population to 2000.
The total prison population is projected to be 57,500 in 2000 compared with 45,900 in 1991. By 2000, the sentenced male population is projected to increase to 35,000 from its 1991 level of 28,500. The increase is primarily in those sentenced to over 18 months. The population of females is projected to be around 1,400 in 2000 in contrast to the 1991 figure of 1,600. Compared with 10,200 in 1991, the remand population is projected to rise to 14,600 in 2000. For 1999, the projections of the total prison population are 700 lower than the non-demographic projection published last year and the same as the demographic projection published in 1991 at 56,200. 3 notes, 3 figures, and 2 tables