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Project Protect in Massachusetts: Visualizing Help for Children Living with Family Violence and Substance Addicted Parents

NCJ Number
Protecting Children Dated: (Winter 1989-1990) Pages: 9-11
L W Kowal
Date Published
3 pages
In Massachusetts, the Department of Social Services has initiated a program designed to help the agency move more aggressively in recognizing, assessing, and providing substance abuse and domestic violence services to appropriate families.
Substance abuse undermines normal patterns of interaction and chronic users have multiple legal, social, and medical problems. There is often a greater commitment to the chemical substances than the children, there is a high correlation between spouse abuse and child abuse, and safety becomes an issue for all family members. Project Protect focuses resources on protecting children in families where substance abuse and domestic violence place them at risk. The professional community is asked to help respond to the problems of family violence and substance abuse by working more closely with law enforcement, medical services, battered women's programs, drug rehabilitation programs, and courts. In addition, staff skills are strengthened through training and applying technological resources. The primary goal is to assure greater protection to children through directed interventions. 6 notes and references.