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Project New Pride Training Manual

NCJ Number
Date Published
301 pages
This training manual describes components of the New Pride demonstration program for juvenile offenders and provides guidelines on topics ranging from funding through program management and evaluation.
Project New Pride is a community-based, nonresidential program that accepts juvenile probationers ages 14 to 17, with records of several offenses and social adjustment problems, for a year of comprehensive and individualized treatment. This training program consists of six modules to be presented over 2 to 3 days. Module 1 covers intake, case management, assessment, alternative education, and employment. Module 2 focuses on program development, including budgeting, interagency cooperation, and community involvement. Module 3 addresses site selection and equipment matters, while module 4 concerns staff responsibilities, scheduling, referrals, and family matters. The last two modules examine management -- personnel administration, recordkeeping systems, monitoring, and public relations -- and evaluation techniques. Trainer's notes suggesting activities and exercises and viewgraphs accompany each module.