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Project DAWN VI

NCJ Number
Date Published
192 pages
This publication describes Phase VI (May 1977 to April 1978) of the Drug Abuse Warning Network (DAWN).
Results show that there were 118,517 drug abuse episodes from emergency rooms during the 12 months of DAWN VI. Tranquilizers accounted for almost one-quarter of all DAWN emergency room drug mentions. Alcohol-in-combination was the second most-mentioned substance in DAWN emergency rooms. Project DAWN is a nationwide program gathers interprets, and disseminates data on drug abuse from selected locations within the continental United States. The DEA uses this information in its enforcement, compliance, scheduling, and research programs and the National Institute on Drug Abuse applies the information to its forecasting, education, prevention, treatment, and rehabilitation programs. This report contains the identification of drugs currently being abused and/or associated with harm to the individual and to society. It provides determination of existing patterns of drug abuse and the monitoring of changing trends, including the detection of new abuse entities and new combinations. The data also provides for an assessment of the relative hazards to health, both physiological and psychological, and the relative potentials for abuse of different substances. Finally, it provides the provision of data needed for the rational control and scheduling of both old and new drugs of abuse. Data were collected from selected emergency room facilities. Tables