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Programs for Young Women in Trouble

NCJ Number
Date Published
27 pages
Descriptions of 11 programs for female juvenile delinquents and status offenders include addresses and names of contact persons as well as summaries of target populations, service components, funding, staff, and program history.
The programs include the Young Women's Resource Center, Des Moines, Iowa; Threshold, Sioux Falls, S.D.; New Directions for Young Women, Tucson, Ariz.; Caritas House, Inc., Pawtucket, R.I.; and the Child and Family Guidance Services, Rapid City, S.D. More programs are the Good Shepherd Center, Baltimore, Md.; Project Hope, Albany, N.Y.; Crisis Homes, Park Ridge, Ill.; Sojourn, Inc., Northampton, Mass.; New Bridge, Minneapolis, Minn.; and Operation Sisters United, Washington, D.C. Some of the programs are geared to specific target groups such as female juvenile offenders (Operation Sisters Unified, Child and Family Guidance Services); teen-age prostitutes (New Bridge); girls abusing drugs or alcohol (Caritas House); and suicidal, homicidal, and psychotic girls in crisis (Crisis Homes). Others (Good Shepherd, Threshold) have a wider range of services -- both residential and day programs -- serving youths with diverse problems. The clientele of the remaining programs are predominantly female status offenders and girls considered to be at risk of involvement with the juvenile justice system. Strategies and program services include peer group counseling, reality therapy, family counseling, employment training, drug and alcohol abuse counseling and therapy, self-help and advocacy services, one-on-one counseling and support, and remedial education. Other programs focus on education in the areas of sexuality, living skills, decisionmaking, assertiveness, and self-concept as well as recreational and cultural activities. Funding sources include State, Federal, and local monies and private gifts.