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Programs That Support Veterans

NCJ Number
Date Published
May 2024
2 pages

This document highlights six programs that are geared toward the support of veterans and veteran services.


This document describes six funding opportunities and training and technical assistance (TTA) programs for supporting veterans and preventing crises through collaborative, peer-to-peer, and technical assistance efforts; links to find out more information are also included. The document provides information and links on the following programs: Veterans Treatment Court Program; Comprehensive Opioid, Stimulant, and Substance Use Program (COSSUP); Byrne State Crisis Intervention Formula Program (Byrne SCIP); Justice and Mental Health Collaboration Program; and the Bureau of Justice Assistance National Training and technical Assistance Center (BJA NTTAC) facilities, which deliver data-driven TTA to the criminal justice community in an effort to reduce crime, recidivism, and unnecessary confinement.
