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Programs That Support Corrections

NCJ Number
Date Published
May 2023
6 pages

This document provides a listing of 27 Bureau of Justice Assistance programs that support corrections, and includes descriptive paragraphs and links to relevant websites.


This document provides a series of brief descriptions of Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) programs that have the purpose of supporting correctional facilities and programming through funding, training and technical assistance (TTA), and other methods. Each program listed includes a brief scope note and links to relevant websites. The programs listed include: Body-Worn Camera Partnership Program; Child Friendly Visiting Spaces in Jails and Prisons Program; Patrick Leahy Bulletproof Vest Partnership Program; Collaborative Crisis Response and Intervention Training Program; Corrections Data Analysis—Virtual Academies; Community Supervision Resource Center; Comprehensive Opioid, Stimulant and Substance Use Program; Corrections Officer and Staff Safety and Wellness Program; Crime Analyst in Residence Program; Encouraging Innovation—Field Initiated Program; Justice and Mental Health Collaboration Program; Improving Corrections Data Analysis Initiative; Justice Counts; Improving Institutional Corrections Academy Training; Justice Reinvestment Initiative State-level Technical Assistance; National Training and Technical Assistance Center; Prison Industry Enhancement Certification Program; National Reentry Resource Center and Second Chance Technical Assistance; Prison Rape Elimination Act Management Office—Including the National PREA Resource Center; Safeguarding Correctional Facilities and Public Safety by Addressing Contraband Cellphones Program; Residential Substance Abuse Treatment Program; Restrictive Housing Reform Initiative; Second Chance Act—Community Reentry Incubator Initiative; Second Chance Act—Reentry Program Evaluation Support Initiative; Tribal Justice Systems Infrastructure Program; Swift, Certain, and Fair Supervision Program—Applying the Principles behind Project HOPE; and the Tribal Justice Systems Strategic Planning Program.