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Program on Human Development and Criminal Behavior: Progress and Plans

NCJ Number
F Earls; A J Reiss Jr
Date Published
28 pages
This report covers the progress through December 1990 of the Program on Human Development and Criminal Behavior (PHDCB), whose aim is to advance understanding of the developmental paths that lead to conduct disorder, delinquency, and crime so as to inform public policies on the prevention of violent and predatory crime and on the enhancement of the life chances of the disadvantaged.
In its current form, the research agenda includes a series of overlapping longitudinal studies in a single site of seven cohorts of persons ranging in age at the outset from birth to age 18; one or more full or partial replications of the 7-cohort study in other sites; a linked series of experimental assessments of promising interventions directed at different age groups; and a series of related methodological, statistical, and pilot studies to lay the infrastructure for large-scale research. Phase I, which has been completed, examined and summarized the current state of relevant behavioral and social science research on human development and antisocial behavior from birth to age 25. Phase II, which has also been completed, prepared a comprehensive, integrated interdisciplinary research agenda for study of the causes and prevention of conduct disorder, delinquency, criminality, and serious antisocial behavior. Phases III and IV will involve pilot and preparatory work followed by field work. The latter will involve eight years of data collection followed by two years of data analysis. Appended scholarly activities of core group members; a list of workshop participants; and a list of publications, invited lectures, and selected memoranda