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Program Evaluation: Kentucky's Parole System, Adopted Report and Recommendations of the Program Review and Investigations Committee

NCJ Number
Date Published
163 pages
To evaluate the extent to which discretionary decisionmaking authority is exercised in the Kentucky parole system, data was collected from interviews with parole board members and employees, probation and parole officers, members of the Commission on Corrections, judges, and law enforcement personnel, as well as through observations of 435 inmate parole release and revocation hearings.
Following an introduction, the second chapter of this report covers determination of parole eligibility, calculation of eligibility, and regulatory eligibility. The third chapter outlines various decisionmaking factors involved in parole hearings and release decisions, leading to a discussion of postrelease supervision, which encompasses probation and parole as well as community-based support services. The next chapter covers parole revocation and the detection of parole violations. The final chapters of the report describe the nomination and appointment of parole board members, accountability and administrative operations of the board, and actions taken by the legislature's Program Review and Investigations Committee with regard to parole board appointments. 21 tables, 1 figure, and 8 appendixes