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Profile of Defense-Based Felony Sentencing Programs

NCJ Number
A G Marcus; M C Young
Date Published
7 pages
In January 1987, the Sentencing Project mailed a survey form to defense-based alternative sentencing programs throughout the United States for the purpose of obtaining information on the characteristics of such programs for publication in the "1987 National Directory of Felony Sentencing Services;" this analysis is based on the information returned in that survey.
There are 83 defense-based programs listed in the directory; this report analyzes replies for 80 programs. The 80 programs reported having 268 professional staff who handled 11,109 felony cases in 1986. Survey findings indicate that the typical defense-based felony sentencing program provides services similar to the Client Specific Planning (CSP) model. Sixty-one programs reported providing intensive sentencing planning services patterned after or similar to the CSP model. The typical program has been in existence for 46 years, has one to three program staff handling 25 to 50 cases each per year, and derives financial support from government sources or fees for cases. Programs that charge for services usually use a sliding-scale fee; the highest fee charged nonindigent defendants was $1,500. Programs are also typically part of a public defender office or a private, nonprofit organization. 2 charts