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Production of Crimes: A Comparative Study on the Management of Cases by the Police and the Public Prosecutor in France and Brazil

NCJ Number
Deviance et societe Volume: 37 Issue: 4 Dated: December 2013 Pages: 415-439
Vivian Ferreira Paes
Date Published
December 2013
25 pages
This study compares the management of cases by police in France and Brazil.
Among the issues addressed are how certain facts known to the police are framed in determining whether or not a crime has been committed. The study also considers how crimes processed by the police are interpreted and managed by prosecutorial and judicial institutions. In examining these issues, attention is given to the routine phases of report productions by the police and the courts as they describe particular events as constituting specific crime types. In addition, the study analyzes the legal and organizational policies that frame rules for the managing of various types of events deemed to be crimes. (From an English summary of the full report)