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Procedures in the Justice System, Third Edition

NCJ Number
G B Stuckey
Date Published
352 pages
This overview text explains the duties and responsibilities of police agencies, courts, and correctional departments from arrest until sentence completion.
This edition discusses the police officer's role, explains the importance of the correctional officer, and describes the types of correctional facilities being considered for construction. Introductory chapters address crime causation and the historical development of laws and the justice system. Following an explanation of arrest procedures, the discussion of pretrial procedures encompasses the initial appearance, pleas, plea negotiations, the grand jury, preliminary hearings, and pretrial motions. Trial procedures cover the trial's place and time; the right to counsel; the roles of major trial participants; jury selection, instructions, and deliberations; and the verdict. Also reviewed are the appeals procedure, sentencing, correctional procedures, sentencing philosophy, and clemency. The concluding chapter considers extradition, writs, and juvenile justice. The appendix presents a flow chart of criminal justice processing. Chapter review questions, case table, and subject index.