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Procedure, Office of Public Information Crisis Communications

NCJ Number
Date Published
10 pages
These memoranda list and explain the actions and procedures to be used by the Office of Public Information in the Michigan Department of Corrections when making statements, releasing information, and keeping the public informed if a crisis occurs in the State's correctional system.
The memoranda detail the responsibilities and actions of the public information supervisor, the clerical support staff, the staff of the public information office, and the staff of the Central Office administration. The supervisor should assess the scope of the incident and decide what further action is needed and then call the appropriate backup team and support staff to take further action. During a crisis in a correctional institution, the Central Office administration is responsible for providing supervisory support to the affected facility and to keep appropriate officials, including the governor, crucial legislators, and the State Corrections Administration, informed. List of 10 questions to be answered in determining the appropriate extent and type of response.