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Problems of Social Maladjustment and Crime in Poland

NCJ Number
J Jasinski
Date Published
200 pages
Papers on problems of social maladjustment and crime in Poland focus on the macrosocial determinants of criminal behavior, alcohol and drug dependence, environmental and individual determinants of social maladjustment and crime, and elements of penal policy.
Four chapters that address the macrosocial determinants of criminal behavior discuss the crime pattern in Poland; the effect of economic development, industrialization, and urbanization on crime; crime in the process of rapid social changes in intensively industrialized areas; and crime and delinquency in large cities. Three chapters on alcohol and drug dependence consider the extent, trends, causes, and effects of alcohol; the relation of excessive drinking and alcoholism to criminal behavior; and drug abuse among youth. Four chapters on the environmental and individual determinants of social maladjustment and crime address social maladjustment among Polish youth; the interaction of school, social maladjustment, and delinquency; the influence of peer groups on delinquency; and psychological determinants of social maladjustment and delinquency. A discussion of main trends in Polish penal policy concludes the book. Chapter tables and footnotes