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Problems of the Counseling Session in Individual Recruitment (From Nachwuchswerbung fuer den Polizeivollzugsdient, P 81-121 - See NCJ-80610)

NCJ Number
J G Scholzgart
Date Published
41 pages
The planning and implementation of an intensive training program designed to acquaint police recruiting officers in North Rhine-Westphalia with personnel marketing techniques is outlined.
The program sequence consisted of the following steps: field observation, interviews with recruiting officers, analysis of observation and interviews, identification of training goals, determination of training content, specification of training approach and teaching methods, implementation of training, and its evaluation. Weaknesses identified in the diagnostic steps were primarily lack of familiarity with psychological concepts, lack of counseling skills, and lack of a management orientation in the department. Thus, basic terminology and theory of personnel marketing from a psychological perspective became the central focus of the training. A theoretical lecture was followed by videotaped case studies that served as a basis for group discussion exercises. There were no tests, but participants filled out a variety of worksheets and an evaluation questionnaire. Training program worksheets, schedules, and handouts are appended.