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Problem Employee Survey - An Analysis of Employee Problem Areas in Law Enforcement

NCJ Number
R R Clay; R E Yates
Date Published
141 pages
Students of the 117th and 121st Sessions of the FBI National Academy and supervisors from various law enforcement agencies around the country were surveyed regarding the most serious employee problem areas in law enforcement and the factors associated with these problems.
The questionnaire yielded data on respondent profiles, employee problems in terms of frequency of occurrence and severity, problem causes, recommended solutions, supervisor commitment to problem solution, and profile factors of problem employees. The largest group of respondents identified their most serious employee problem area as that of doing only enough to get by, i.e. being lazy. The second most serious problem cited was absenteeism and lateness and the third was resistance to change. While alcoholism was rated serious, it does not appear to be a frequently occurring problem. Graphs, charts, and the survey instrument are provided.